Thursday, January 15, 2009

January Cooking Class

Even with a blizzard blowing outside, a handful of brave ladies made it to Zenrinkan to make this month's recipe; Lancashire Hot Pot.

This food is perfect for the winter months as it is hot and full of vegetables. The base is a stew made from lamb, peas, carrots and corn. Today we actually used beef instead as it is a more popular meat. I think this is one of the best things about English cooking, that it is very flexible. This was proved by Mrs A. who as we were eating thought of more and more ingenious ways to develop it; cheese on top, pasta inside, putting the whole thing in a sandwich, and deep frying it in crepe parcels!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Corn Dolly Making

One of Zenrinkan's teachers, Nicola, introduced the British craft of making corn dollies today.

Many years ago in Pagan England, people believed in many different gods, similar to the Japanese Shinto belief. One of these gods was believed to live in the wheat, so when it was cut down at harvest time, it became homeless, so the people made corn dollies for it to live in over the winter. The shape of the corn dolly varied by region.

The corn dolly we made today is a simple version called a "countryman's favour" and has no connection to religion. This came from the custom of men making a heart shaped favour for ladies when they were walking in the countryside. If the lady was wearing her present the next time he saw her, it meant the love was reciprocated.

Among the members were three elementary school students who all said they had a nice time.