Friday, May 30, 2008

Mini concert

The sun was shining and a cool breeze was blowing. A perfect day was made even better by being serenaded by the nikko (Chinese harp) group while we drank a cup of tea outside in front of Zenrinkan. Yes, it was the first ever outdoor concert for Chin-sensei's students. We heard about ten songs over the course of half an hour, each more beautiful than the last.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

May Cooking

This month in cooking we made Chicken and Leek Pot. The outside is a ring of cheesy pastry of French origin that is called Gougere. It is like a pie, but has no top and no bottom. The inside is a kind of stew with meat and vegetables. Today we made it with chicken and leeks, but a tomato sauce with beef and onions is also very delicious.